Politics is more
than elections
A few hours
before an official winner was declared in Kenya’s election, New York Times
correspondent Jeffrey Gettleman tweeted: “Raila REJECTS Kenyatta victory in
Kenya election. A 2007 type scenario could be shaping up. This rhetoric is not
unique: Throughout the week after the vote the media warned of a 2007-like
crisis. But what this election has demonstrated is that comparing elections
without looking at the
process and politics of what happens between obscures more
than it explains.
journalists and even political scientists tend to treat elections as fixed
events. Elections are compared to other elections; electoral violence is
compared to previous instances of electoral violence; and all other
institutional progress (and digression) is swept aside. But in new democracies
a lot happens between elections, both good and bad. Power arrangements are
re-shaped, societal transformations occur, and political institutions are
strengthened and weakened. In Kenya, there is a new constitution; there are new
leading candidates; there is a new electoral commission; there is an integrated
international community; there is a stronger and more ubiquitous press; there
is a new national land policy.
There is one
very simple point to be made: it takes a lot for a neighbor to kill his
neighbor. Elections, and even disputed ones, do not provide the incentive to
kill. They simply provide the context for a host of other factors to coalesce.
Elections do not take place in a political vacuum.
It’s the campaign, stupid
arrangements shape the electoral terrain. Programmatic and identity concerns
influence voting behavior. But campaigns win elections. According to Ken Opalo’s weblog,
Kenyatta’s strongholds registered over 87 percent turnout; Odinga’s registered
78 percent.
Kenyatta ran a
well-oiled machine. This high turnout won him the elections.
His campaign was
impressive. TNA offices sprang up all over the country. Huge rallies inspired
confidence that he could put on an impressive show. His campaign message
offered hope and optimism: “I Believe.” In the middle of his pre-election rally
at Uhuru Park, a friend turned to me and said, “If he runs the country like
this, I would vote for him.”
Kenyatta was
partnered with the best campaigners in the country. William Ruto is one of the
most charismatic figures in Kenya; Mike Sonko’s version of hip-populism spans
tribe and excites the youth. Being the richest man in Kenya undoubtedly also helped: Kenyatta was
able to infuse huge sums of cash into his campaign in a very short time.
On the other
hand, Odinga let down his core supporters by trying to push through six-piece
voting arrangements. His campaign strategy relied on painting the opponents as
international pariahs unable to govern the country from the ICC, rather than
inspiring confidence in his own abilities to lead the country. Often, he seemed
exhausted and out of touch. A dissertation needs to be written about what
strategies work in African electoral campaigns. Similarly, why do Africans turn
out to vote? A deep analysis of the 2013 Kenyan election is a good place to
The future is local
As political
institutions strengthen across young African democracies, an interesting arena
of politics will be at the local level. Kenyans anxiously watched results pour
in from the races of county representatives, governors, and senators. As one
former government worker told me, “I needed to see where across this country
there are people I can work with. Where real reforms can be made so we can
improve this country.”
Some analysts
worry that Kenya will descend into decentralized majimboism; others worry that the country will develop
unevenly like Nigeria. But the fact of the matter is that local political
development in Kenya is unknown, and will be a fascinating area of research in
years to come.
The collective capacity to get
things done
The Kenyan
elections confirmed that democracy is more than an electoral procedure—it is
greater than majority rule. It confirmed that democracy is a form of collective
agency, or as Stanford political theorist Josiah Ober explains, that it is closer to the
original Athenian conception of the word: the collective capacity to get things
The 2013 Kenyan
election was a collective endeavor: political parties supported the electoral
commission and allowed them to do their work independent of political
interests; the international community spent more than $100 million on logistical support; the media
pressured the leaders to answer for their past in groundbreaking debates; civic education
campaigns energized the grassroots. Kenyans participated and engaged actively
in politics by attending political rallies, organizing local political
associations, and holding their leaders to account. Longstanding leaders who
did not deliver were voted out of office.
demonstrated that democracy is more than a mechanism for counting votes, but
rather a means of doing things together.
Land, livelihood, and interests
After Kenyatta’s
victory, political science graduate student Kathleen Klaus tweeted: “#Uhuru:”For
too long in Kenya we have talked about the Land Question – now we need to find
the Land Answer.” #Kenya:
let him not forget!” Klaus’s
dissertation examines
the relationship between land, political mobilization, and violence. Prior to
the elections, analysts and commentators emphasized the land issue. During the
voting process, commentators stressed the possibility of chaos and political
But what Klaus
demonstrates is that all of these factors are related, and must be dealt with
in the Second Republic. Democracy is not consolidated because there was a
peaceful election. Kenyatta will have to prove that Kenya is indeed an
inclusive republic: economically, politically and socially.
Kenyatta owns large swaths of land across the country. Many Kenyans
across the country see him as a “land grabber.” Residents across the Rift
Valley and on the Coast still do not have title deeds and remain squatters on
land they have lived on for several years. The price of land and other
resources will continue to rise, contributing to competing land claims and
inevitable winners and losers. It is important to deal with the underlying property rights issues now to avoid future conflict.
Implementing the national land policy is a good place to start.
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