In Somalia, the radical Islamist militia, Al-Shabab, that
has terrorized much of the country over the past five years, appears to be on
the run. They have been forced out of the capital, Mogadishu, and all of the
major towns that were once under their control (including Kismayo in the
South). But those who believe the Shabaab are finished could find that they are
sorely mistaken.
The eradication of Al-Shabaab, although essential to the
peace and security of both Somalia and its neighbours, is unlikely to be
achieved by military force alone. What is actually required is a coordinated
and sustained regional effort to eliminate the underlying causes of the growth
of Islamist radicalism among Somali youth including assistance to effectively
address the persistent and structural humanitarian crisis affecting most of
Key requirements include improved governance, and concerted
efforts to rebuild and expand Somali livelihoods, and the country’s economy.
Most of the current generation of Somalis have grown up in conditions of
conflict, insecurity of livelihood and deprivation. This has tended to make
many of them vulnerable to the arguments and promises of the Islamist
The new Somali Government must avoid the corruption trap and
tendencies towards dividing up the governmental ‘cake’ along clan lines, and
focus its efforts on solving the livelihood problems faced by the majority of
the country’s population.
The new government must also urgently address humanitarian
issues and start the flow of food aid to the areas liberated from Al- Shabaab.
The Shabaab alienated large groups of people in southern and central Somalia by
allowing them to die of hunger, rather than permit aid organizations to give
them food. If the arrival of food aid, and assistance for reconstruction
follows quickly in the tracks of the Kenyan and AMISOM forces, that will
strengthen the local constituency for the elimination of Al-Shabaab in the
Food aid is a necessary but temporary expedient.
It helps to
keep people alive, while plans to enable them to earn a livelihood are being
made. This is an area in which there is a vital role for the international
community to play in putting Somalia back on the road to development and
Along with conflict, drought and desertification are key
causes of impoverishment and destitution in large areas of Somalia and adjacent
regions of Ethiopia and Kenya. With an increasing population, there is more
pressure on the land and its limited resources. Drought and desertification disasters
are occurring at increasingly shorter intervals, with less opportunity for
recovery. Hundreds of thousands of rural households in Somalia and neighbouring
regions of Ethiopia and Kenya have lost most of the livestock on which they
depend, dropping entire communities into chronic destitution.
Implications for the
IGAD region
Regional economic integration could make an important
contribution to addressing these shared problems, in the context of the
Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) – the Regional Economic
Commission for the Horn of Africa. It provides the institutional framework for
regional economic integration, towards increasing prosperity and integration
into the global economy.
The countries of the region are bound by history and
geography in relationships of interdependence with considerable potential for
cooperation for their common development, for example, through transport
corridors to seaports, management of shared water resources, and improved
energy security.
Much of rural Somalia is gripped in a livelihood crisis with
increasingly serious implications for human security. It is a situation that
demands substantial investment in the integrated development of the region’s
land and water resources and creating sustainable alternative livelihoods. The
key requirements for this include improved infrastructure to provide reliable
access to transport, water and affordable energy.
In particular, the
rehabilitation of the country’s internal roads and their interconnection with
those of the neighbouring countries could open the way to increased trade,
economic growth and poverty reduction.
Similarly, the ongoing oil price crisis makes affordable
energy a key problem faced by countries that like Somalia where people largely
depend on oil fired electricity generation.
But this could be addressed by
interconnection with Ethiopia’s electricity grid to enable it to purchase much
cheaper hydroelectricity, a solution already agreed by Djibouti, Kenya and
Sudan, in the context of the planned East African Power Pool (EAPP).
The EAPP is already on the way to becoming part of a new
regional reality, and a key example of regional economic integration. In
September 2012 the African Development Bank (AfDB) approved USD348 million in
funding for a USD 1.26 billion project for an electricity transmission line
connecting Ethiopia and Kenya.
This is a key step towards the establishment of
the East African Power Pool, which may later be connected to a Southern Africa
Power Pool. The project will promote power trade and regional integration.
Djibouti is already interconnected with Ethiopia’s power grid and buying
Ethiopian hydropower at a fraction of the cost of oil-based power generation.
The same could be done for Somalia.
Addressing the basic issues of sustainable rural livelihoods
will need to be undertaken through forms of regional economic integration that
encourage the cooperative development of the shared water resources of this
drought disaster-prone region comprising Somalia, the Ethiopian Somali region
(the Ogaden) and northeastern Kenya. These areas are inextricably linked in
terms of ethnic ties, economic exchange and inter-dependence, shared natural
resources, and the constant cross-border movement of their pastoral
The Way Forward
There is an important opportunity for joint development of
the hydroelectric and irrigation potential of the Shabelle and
Dawa-Gennale-Juba river basins in the context of infrastructure-led regional
economic integration. The cooperative development of the shared water resources
of this drought prone region of Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia offers considerable
potential to rehabilitate the livelihoods of their populations and put them on
the path to sustainable development and peace.
Multi-purpose dams on the Shabelle and Dawa-Gennale-Juba
rivers could contribute to the hydroelectric power needs of the three
countries, enhance their irrigation potential, and prevent the recurrent floods
that from time to time devastate large areas of the lower Shabelle and
Gennale-Juba basins, leading to serious loss of life and property. It would
need significant investment, but it would be far cheaper than the costs of
chronic conflict and humanitarian disasters and the economic returns would
repay the investment.
With a million hectares of irrigable land on the Ethiopian
side and hundreds of thousands within Somalia, both countries would benefit
from such development. This would enable irrigation-based agriculture,
livestock raising, agro-processing, and employment, for those who choose to
settle, as well as those who are already settled, but are often affected by
recurrent drought, and food insecurity. It would also reduce the chronic
poverty and resource competition that are among the major underlying causes of
The dams to be built in the two main river basins would
control the massive periodic floods like those that occurred in the lower Juba
valley a decade ago, resulting in the loss of hundreds of thousands of
livestock and considerable loss of human life. The regular availability of
water would prevent the loss of huge numbers of valuable livestock, and crops
to frequent drought disasters. Along with disaster prevention, they would also
provide opportunities for hydropower production.
The availability of affordable
hydropower could provide a key economic missing link, by opening the way to agro-processing,
adding value to agricultural and livestock production, providing employment for
the population, and reducing poverty. This could also make a major contribution
to reduction of resource competition and conflict risk.
As in India and China, labour-intensive light manufacturing
has significant potential to put the Horn of Africa on the road to development.
Countries like Ethiopia and Somalia have the necessary cheap labour for this,
but what they need to make the jump is abundant, affordable and reliable
electricity, to enable them to add value to their production, for example, by
exporting meat and leather products, rather than livestock on the hoof.
Somalia, once it settles its internal conflicts, will be
well-positioned to benefit from regional economic integration. This, of course,
will depend to a large degree on the success of the new government, with the
assistance of the AU forces in defeating the Al-Shabaab militias, and
establishing an acceptable level of governance. If successful, a peaceful
Somalia could have the opportunity, based on the shared water resources of the
Dawa-Gennale-Juba, and Shabelle river basins, to rebuild its long neglected
agricultural and livestock economies.
In the context of IGAD and regional economic integration, a
peaceful Somalia, would also be well-positioned to benefit from Ethiopian use
of its port facilities, as Ethiopia begins to tap the agricultural and
livestock development potential of its Ogaden region. The closest ports to the
southeastern Ogaden are those of Mogadishu and Kismayo. This would open the way
to a new and more constructive, cooperative and peaceful relationship between
the two countries.
This is particularly important in view of the rapid increase
in population numbers across much of the area, and the increasing pressure of
fast-growing populations on diminishing resources. The more effective and
cooperative use of the region’s water resources, could make important
contributions to economic development, to the reduction of poverty, periodic
food insecurity, hunger and conflict risk.
The potential for irrigated agriculture and
livestock-raising could serve as a lifebelt for both farming and pastoral
populations dependent on erratic rainfall, in the context of periodic drought
and food shortages, and increasing poverty. It would open the way to
sustainable rural livelihoods, and to increased opportunities for urban
employment and trade, within Somalia, and between Somalia and its neighbours.
In the context of regional economic integration, this would
reduce resource competition and accelerate development and livelihood
opportunities. It would also reduce conflict risk by providing the populations
on both sides of the border with resources and opportunities that they could
not afford to jeopardize, or allow to be jeopardized, through conflict.
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