Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas And The Milked Africa ..

Christmas is very important in the world’s calendar. It is the month our savior and Lord Jesus Christ was born. We have every reason to be joyful, thankful and delighted. 

Because of Christ, we are saved and free. The celebration of the birth of Christ is a poignant reminder of why he came to this world and the example he has set for us all to follow.

His ministry was focused on helping the poor, needy, sick and downtrodden. As we celebrate Christmas, the world must remember the poor and afflicted and those that are incapable of helping themselves. This is a moment we should reach out and be generous with what God has blessed us with.

Africa is still suffering from abject poverty, malnutrition, famine and disease. It will be a crime against humanity if the west continues to witness the impoverishment of a continent that has done so much to contribute to its wealth and prosperity.

Africa’s resources have played a vital part in the development of the western world and the west is duty bound to give back. Africa has the potential to continue to help build the infrastructures of the world, but it needs help in harnessing its raw material in a way that will benefit its people.

The agenda should not be business as usual, where only the interest of the west is at the center of any investment engagement, but how the peoples of Africa can benefit long-term from its untapped mineral and natural wealth.

Milking Africa’s wealth to service the west’s industry without any consideration for the plight the people in this rich continent  face each day, is sinful and against the teachings of Christ. And the west should be mindful of the long-lasting consequence this might have on its own people.

Taking from a continent and not giving back sufficiently can only continue to foster serious migration issues across the borders of Europe and America. Africans will continue to come in numbers to seek the wealth that has been taken from them and their fore-fathers.

Helping to develop and enrich Africa’s vital economic institutions are the only way forward in empowering its people and achieving self-sufficiency. As African countries continue to discover oil on their shores and mineral wealth on their land, the future can only be bright, as suffering is what most of them have come to know as a way of life.

It seems finally, the Almighty God has smiled on a people after witnessing how their resources have been ravaged with savage intent by the world’s industry with little or no compassion for its inhabitants. 

Prudent and vibrant leadership is slowly taking control of Africa’s governance, and it seems it won’t be long before Africa starts redefining its own economic agenda as it carves for itself a more dominant and fulfilling role in world economic affairs.

By the way, I wanted to wish a Merry Christmas to all of you, and saying a big THANK YOU for your support and readership!

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